What is the PS4's GPU equivalent to?


Nov 27, 2012

I want to upgrade my current system to be up to par gaming wise to the next-gen consoles. I know I need to upgrade my CPU, GPU, and RAM to do so. With that being said, I already have an idea of what I'd get for a CPU and RAM. What I want to know is, what is the PS4's GPU equivalent to power wise compared to a Radeon or Nvidia card. From my little research, I've seen that it's close the the Radeon 7850.

If that's right, there are of course many models of the Radeon 7850. Sapphire, Asus, XFX, and so on. What exact card model would give me about the same performance as the PS4's GPU. I know this is probably a tough question to answer considering no one has hands on been able to play the console yet but give me a rough estimate.

The answer I'm looking for is something along the lines of,
Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 2GB, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102998
Zotac GeForce GTX 560 1GB, http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709%204017&IsNodeId=1&bop=And&Order=PRICED&PageSize=20

****Also, will this new card force me to buy a more powerful power supply? I currently have a Corsair CX430****

Thanks for your help!
PS4's GPU equivalent to 7870 actually :)

I would recommend Sapphire HD 7870 GHz OC Edition if you got a i3 with HT / Quad core i5 system and game @ 1080p (why ppl ask help without giving system detail?? we are not magicians but Geeks :)

If you got 3GHz or less speed dual core than stay with 7850 to avoid CPU bottleneck

your cx 430 can power it no problem.


Feb 17, 2013
PS4's GPU equivalent to 7870 actually :)

I would recommend Sapphire HD 7870 GHz OC Edition if you got a i3 with HT / Quad core i5 system and game @ 1080p (why ppl ask help without giving system detail?? we are not magicians but Geeks :)

If you got 3GHz or less speed dual core than stay with 7850 to avoid CPU bottleneck

your cx 430 can power it no problem.
since the PS4 is a true console there is a chance the gpu inside PS4 could match the performance of much higher discrete gpu in the future. of course it can't compete in term of raw performance but in game it could change because dedicated console have the advantage of close to metal approach when developer develop their games on console.
With virtual the same teraflop computational power, games on the PS4 will likely perform better. That's because developers do not have to worry about consoles with different generation CPUs from AMD and Intel and they don't need to worry about coding for current / older versions of AMD or nVidia graphic cards.

There is only one CPU and only one GPU for the PS4. That means coding can be optimized to take the full advantage of the hardware.