Whenever we install games, apart from direct x we get a visual C++ installer.I have a lot of both old and new games installed on my system and each of them has installed some version of this C++ redist(2005,2008,2010) both x86 and x63 versions.Are all of them required or can i just uninstall all and just donwload the latest vc++ 2010 redist available at Microsofts site?Will this affect the games which did not come with c++ 2010?
Whenever we install games, apart from direct x we get a visual C++ installer.I have a lot of both old and new games installed on my system and each of them has installed some version of this C++ redist(2005,2008,2010) both x86 and x63 versions.Are all of them required or can i just uninstall all and just donwload the latest vc++ 2010 redist available at Microsofts site?Will this affect the games which did not come with c++ 2010?