C cooboo Reputable Jan 6, 2015 2 0 4,510 Jan 6, 2015 #1 hi What is the name of this section ? What is its function?
King Kevain Reputable Dec 10, 2014 413 0 4,960 Jan 7, 2015 #3 We know, just don't want to say Upvote 0 Downvote
King Kevain Reputable Dec 10, 2014 413 0 4,960 Jan 7, 2015 #4 Just kidding These are Current Transducers - in a nut shell without getting all technical and stuff, they are part of the circuit that measures the load - essentially they tell the PSU if it needs more power captain! Upvote 0 Downvote
Just kidding These are Current Transducers - in a nut shell without getting all technical and stuff, they are part of the circuit that measures the load - essentially they tell the PSU if it needs more power captain!