What is this machine doing!!? Unusual windows behavior!


Nov 3, 2014
I just came here because I don't know what is happening and I think that it might be killing my side or something in my machine is dying.
It all started a while ago, I had 2 x GTX 770 running in SLI, I sold them both and added my old HD 6850 just to be able to play things like overreach.

I changed RAM and the cooler and also the PSU and I did a bit of OC to my I7. The system became a bit unstable, high temps, on the CPU idle and well 50C in GPU idle as well
I re-installed win 10 in the SSD and well... now I don't know what is happening my SSD usage spikes a lot of the time to 100% and it slows a lot! I disabled "superfech" but it is still happening, it looks like windows run every program for like 10 times simultaneously.

Look at the pictures that i took i don't realy understand what i see, why I see the same program like 10 times!

Photos here http://imgur.com/a/gG97D

( on one of the pictures I was running a scan, AVG is not the troublemaker here, I just installed it because I thought it migth be a virus or something)

I disagree. Get rid of avg, install free version of avast, do a custom install and only install file, web, mail and browser cleanup, and get rid of the bs performance optimizer program to start with. Optimize it yourself!