Question What is this noise?

Oct 29, 2023
Hi, I got a new computer a few months back, and it has this strange noise coming from it when I play certain games, I can't nail down exactly where it's coming from but I'm pretty certain it's the GPU (could possibly be PSU), it's like a resonating noise, almost like someone playing wine glass music.

I adjusted the fan curves for the system to make them spin quieter but the noise still happens.

GPU is a 4090

I'm not very tech savvy at all so any help would be appreciated.

Video of the noise below


Thanks for your time.


Win 11 Master
have you taken glass off? You can use a straw to listen down and try to isolate sound
A rolled piece of paper works too.

if its in games, it could be coil whine. reducing frame rate can help, as can undervolting the card.

what are specs of PC?
DO you have an AIO?
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