What is this? Won't go away.


Jan 26, 2015
I have this little icon at the right hand corner of the task bar that I cannot get rid of. I think it may have something to do with Nvidia and it's being rather persistent as of trying different drivers today.

I had to take a pic on my phone as screen capture won't capture it :??:

chrome is what uses gpu on my PC, if you open system information on process explorer and look at gpu tab it will show you what uses it if you highlight the peaks or line in the graph. csrss also uses some, that is the user manager so probably just the desktop
its under the post, rocky. I don't know why I can see it and you cannot, perhaps where it is hosted?

have you looked in notifications? I can't find anything like it, looks like the thinking icon that appears next to mouse though I assume mouse wasn't there ar time
It's definitely linked to Nvidia and possibly the GeForce Experience app or some process. As soon as I open the GeForce Experience app the circle goes away. Every time I restart the computer the circle is always appearing at startup. Another issue I've noticed is that the Nvidia capture service is using GPU resources during desktop idle, this is *not* normal. This has all started as of installing the latest Nvidia drivers today.

I installed the latest Nvidia 357.70 drivers today but am not happy with their renaming of the services or putting them into containers... so I reverted to 372.90. I think the installation might be corrupt despite using DisplayDriverUnistaller...
1) Do you have anything in the notifications?
If you have any system notifications it will display the small circle on the notification icon in the Task bar.
I suggest you to disable the notification from the settings and check if it helps.
1) Open settings and then click on System.
2) Click Notifications and icons and disable the notifications and see if it appears again on the Taskbar

i would remove geforce experience and re run ddu and make sure no Nvidia on PC and then reinstall them again. I know they released a new version of geforce experience recently too.

how do you tell if gpu being used in idle??

I noticed in HWiNFO that the GPU was 50C and using a high clock speed, this is at the desktop right after a reboot... Nvidia capture service is the culprit as when ending the process the clock speed and usage fall back to a normal idle. This is really not normal, will have to try reinstalling I think...

I've done reboot's but I can't link it to a startup process. I've disabled all Nvidia services and processes and it's only when I open rather than close the Geforce Experience app that it goes away and seems to stay away. It's definitely linked to Nvidia, I'm pretty sure anyway.

Malware Byte's and AV haven't picked anything up.
Won't take long to reinstall the Nvidia drivers, but I can't help but wonder what's caused this. Maybe the drivers I downloaded are bad? I thought DDU would have done a thorough cleanup. Nvidia has made some big changes in the latest drivers so maybe DDU wasn't able to get everything, but the change log does state it supports cleaning up the latest drivers.

I sure hope it doesn't lead to as much as a Windows reinstall, I'll head over to Nvidia forums and report back if I'm able to get some answers.
That is part of defender which seems odd as I assume you not running it. It looks to be doing a scan, it can be set to run occasionally even if you have another anti virus installed.

Look in settings/update & security/windows defender and see if Limited periodic scan is on or off, or if any of the settings are on.
The circular arrows icon apparently shows up for a Windows 10 feature called quiet time, here is another pic of it from an Nvidia forum user http://imgur.com/iDj5cbL

It seems it's not a well understood feature or why the icon shows when it does. I do recall seeing this icon before but it's rather random, I might see it once or twice every month or so :??:

This morning it's gone away and it doesn't look to be linked to Nvidia. I need to find out if the Nvidia Capture Service should be using resources during idle time but I don't think that is normal. I have disabled the service but am still getting intermittent high GPU usage at idle and I'm paranoid as to what that might be...

No, I still haven't decided on third party AV yet. I guess I just happened to have Task Manager open when this was occuring. So this is normal for Windows Defender and likely a scheduled scan?
i know that mode, I tried to get it to work at launch and the options screen didn't exist a year ago. It blocks notifications when its on.
open action centre - you know, the pop out menu on right hand side of screen
click expand at bottom and you will see Quiet Hours as an option. Turn it off.

Yes, its probably a scheduled task, I find defender has its own mind and I like setting my scans when I want them to run. Reminds me, need to update my subscription soon.
I know where the quiet mode button is but I never enabled it. When I had that circle icon there yesterday and went to check the quiet mode button it was already off. The person I spoke to at the Nvidia forums seemed to think that icon I was seeing was related to quiet mode somehow. It's gone now so I don't know, it comes and goes at such random times.

I've never happened to open Task Manager when Windows Defender was running a task so that's probably what I saw. I decided to just stay with Defender for now but it's probably time I checked on some recent scoring for it.

I haven't quite figured the Nvidia server capture service out, for now I've disabled it. I think the GPU resource usage I'm seeing during idle is normal, it's only small usage and will likely just be background programs like Chrome and a few others... I don't usually check on GPU idle usage.

I'm going to enable the server capture service again to see if it's still acting up and if so I'll report it at the Nvidia forums.

i must have been tired yesterday, i just remembered where i can see my current GPU usage and GPU memory usage (dedicated and shared). Process Explorer shows all of that and way too much more on its system information screen. GPU usage about .25%, 524.5mb of memory used for desktop.

i am on the drivers 1 version before current and have that service running.
That's about the same amount of memory I have allocated while on the desktop. What surprises me is the maximum core and memory clock speeds during idle, 1050 Mhz core and 1752 Mhz memory clock. This is maximum though and current and average are much lower. A maximum of 42 W during idle. I just realised I have Process Explorer.

I will check out the issue with that service again tomorrow and make a report if needed. Are your current drivers the overhauled ones with new naming in containers? I'm trying to work out the changes as I usually disable most of the services or set them to manual but the new structure is making it difficult. Shadow Play has been replaced with Nvidia Share I think. There's also six scheduled tasks that get added to task scheduler with the current drivers including three telemetry tasks which is currently being frowned upon by Nvidia users...
I can't see that much info as even though I have gpu tweak running the fans, the monitor that shows all the speeds and stuff isn't working. I know it can, it just isn't. I am not upgrading to latest version as I helped enough people with it recently to know better, it doesn't load at start up for some.

I don't know if they are renamed, i know Geforce experience is the new version but that might be unrelated. It shows share in the options so maybe it is.