What is with this overclocking??


Apr 14, 2014
I have got a core 2 duo e7200@ 2.53 ghz
Which have been overclocked to 3.24Ghz via BIOS
The problem is
At BIOS the processor speed is showing upto 2728 Mhz
What is with my overclocking? Is it actuall 3.24Ghz or not?

Yeah, it will bottleneck, sorry. I would reset the bios settings, and the CMOS if you can. Then try and overclock again, ensuring you do it all properly and (good test voltage, correct clock multiplier and any other settings specific to that CPU) and then SAVE and EXIT. Then try again and follow through with...
Use a program like CPU-Z to find out that actual speed. In the bios it often only displays the standard clock speed, not overclocked (ie. it reads from what the specified clock speed is and not the actual clock speed).

If I were you, I wouldn't bother overclocking a chip like that, just get a new one. (only a suggestion, please don't murder me).

Ok CPU-Z confirms its 3.24Ghz
But is it gonna bottelneck a GTX 750ti?

Yeah, it will bottleneck, sorry. I would reset the bios settings, and the CMOS if you can. Then try and overclock again, ensuring you do it all properly and (good test voltage, correct clock multiplier and any other settings specific to that CPU) and then SAVE and EXIT. Then try again and follow through with standard post-overclock stress tests.

Hope this helps!

In my Bios settings there's just an OC tweaker, where i can adjust the CPU frequency and PCIE frequency
No markiplier, no voltage etc... They are just locked
Really? Then it's impossible to overclock. You don't want to change any frequencies, only multipliers and voltage settings. You say that you overclocked it...how exactly did you do that? (If you've done it through windows software and not the bios, it more than likely won't work, especially if the multiplier and voltage settings are locked in the bios. Bad luck my friend 🙁

Well heres how i did it
Changed CPU frequency from 267 to 341
And BOOM!!
Overclocked from 2.53ghz to 3.24ghz
Even CPUZ is showing 3.24 Ghz, then it gotta be overclocked anyways!

That's weird, normally changing that also affects RAM as well as other things. That's a very unsafe way of doing it, as you haven't increased the voltage to provide enough power for the added strain that will be put on the CPU. If CPU-Z is now reporting that it works, run stress tests with programs like Prime95 or IntelBurnTest for about 6 hours. If nothing goes wrong, then weirdly, it's fine. If it crashes during the test, change it back to normal as that is very unstable!

Well actually, on my PC during idle mode
My core speed is fluctuating between 2662.90Mhz-2663.18Mhz
I ran prime95 for about 10 min and saw the same core speed!
Pple in other thread says that CPU-Z is showing lesser frequency due to intel speedstep tech...
But still the task manager is showing 100% performance usage as 3.24Ghz whereas the CPU-Z core speed is still stable at above mentioned frequencies..
Should i run prime95 for more than 2 hrs to determine the actual core speed or what?
Actually my bios version has a seperate OC mode where i can set both CPU freq and PCIE freque
My ram is working at 1333Mhz (4GB DDR3)
Core voltage-1.232V