What is worth getting?

I have 2 options:
1. I7-4790 for 120€
2. RG 2200
2x8GB 2400 geil
Asrock ab350 pro 4 for around 170-190€ (depends how much can i lower price).
All are used with/without warranty.
Pice in shop is 300€ with warranty or more cause ddr4 16GB is quite expensive around here.

Thank you.

Also to note Im still on 1150.
For me seems getting i7 under price is pretty good rather than swapping whole pc, but RG is pretty under price, 16GB for 50€~.

While getting RG gives you atleast upgrade path, also to note its an k cpu.
What are the rest of your specs?

From a processor point of view, the I7-4790K is a winner, even if you have to run it at stock on your motherboard.
8 thread I7-4790K passmark is 11185 and single thread is 2530.

4 thread Ryzen 2200G is 7583 1820

If you have a discrete graphics card, the value of the integrated graphics will be wasted.


If its the 580 8gb the performance difference is minimal and each card exceeds with certain games. If your monitor supports Freesync I'd consider the 580.