I used to be a hard-core gamer, like a 7hrs a day gamer when I was around 7-8. As I grew up I would either play a bit less, 4-6 hrs a day. Time just passed so quickly when I had a bit more work. About 6 months ago I would play 2-5 hrs a day. Now I'm 13 and about 3 months ago my OS started acting up. Windows 10 would have constant breakdowns combined with Wi-Fi problems. I would still play 3-4 hrs a day when Windows 10 DID WORK. However the breakdowns plunged me into a state of depression. I know it's weird but I just got sad whenever my computer broke, I would fix but it would break within 2-8 weeks. This weekend I installed Windows 8 again (finally) so I really have nothing to fear as my computer should run fine (I've been fully using it for 2 days). However I don't want to play video games that much. I guess it could be tied to fear of my computer breaking. I don't know what to do as I love video games but I only play them for 1 hours at maxed. I played for about 1 and a half hours today which is less then my usual. Depression won't be an issue as I am recovering from it. What's wrong with me now? I appreciate all answers!