What is wrong with me?


Jan 20, 2015
I used to be a hard-core gamer, like a 7hrs a day gamer when I was around 7-8. As I grew up I would either play a bit less, 4-6 hrs a day. Time just passed so quickly when I had a bit more work. About 6 months ago I would play 2-5 hrs a day. Now I'm 13 and about 3 months ago my OS started acting up. Windows 10 would have constant breakdowns combined with Wi-Fi problems. I would still play 3-4 hrs a day when Windows 10 DID WORK. However the breakdowns plunged me into a state of depression. I know it's weird but I just got sad whenever my computer broke, I would fix but it would break within 2-8 weeks. This weekend I installed Windows 8 again (finally) so I really have nothing to fear as my computer should run fine (I've been fully using it for 2 days). However I don't want to play video games that much. I guess it could be tied to fear of my computer breaking. I don't know what to do as I love video games but I only play them for 1 hours at maxed. I played for about 1 and a half hours today which is less then my usual. Depression won't be an issue as I am recovering from it. What's wrong with me now? I appreciate all answers!

Nothing is wrong with you! Seems to me that you were already cutting back on your gaming time as you got older, and now with your computer acting up, it just may have simply hastened the process of generally losing interest in gaming as much as you used to. Another consideration is your age. Now that you are 13, you're at a point where your interests will start to change as a matter of fact. Gaming will always hold a place on your life; heck, I'm 42 years old and I still game at least 2 hours a week when I'm not taking care of my responsibilities.

Like I said, I don't think there is anything wrong with you, just sounds like you are growing up and will eventually (if you...

Lol, I told you it sounds weird. Seriously though, why am I not into games anymore? It's not like I have something else to do because I finished my work and I'm bored. I mean, I read books and go for walks but where did my interest in video games go?
Get anther hobby to enjoy and be involved in.
You called?? ... this is the emergency holographic psychologist program ... Please state the nature of the existential emergency?

Seriously wanting to keep the PC going by cutting back on your gaming means your using it for something else ... like surfing / chatting or whatever ... look at that first.

All good nerds are concerned their rig is running well I guess ... but you need to get out a bit and spend more time with your friends too.


People's interests change over time, particularly if they had an real obsession with something in the past. They got their fill of it and now want to do something else new. The only thing that was unhealthy was that you were playing 7-8 hours a day. That's a LOT, especially when you were only 7 or 8 years old. That's about the recommended maximum for an entire week for somebody that age...if they play at all.

Go outside and play, hang out with friends, meet some girls (you are about the age where they start becoming interesting instead of cootie-infested and icky)- have fun. Holing up playing on the computer for hours and hours and hours isn't healthy. You'd end up being this guy when you are 40:
Excellent advice you gave him.


Nothing is wrong with you! Seems to me that you were already cutting back on your gaming time as you got older, and now with your computer acting up, it just may have simply hastened the process of generally losing interest in gaming as much as you used to. Another consideration is your age. Now that you are 13, you're at a point where your interests will start to change as a matter of fact. Gaming will always hold a place on your life; heck, I'm 42 years old and I still game at least 2 hours a week when I'm not taking care of my responsibilities.

Like I said, I don't think there is anything wrong with you, just sounds like you are growing up and will eventually (if you haven't already) fill the void by less time gaming with other activities and interests.

Ahh, to be 13 again!

Being 13 is a perfect time of life to stop spending so much in front of the monitor and keyboard and get out and about to explore the world around you, get involved in clubs/organizations, hang out with friends, meet some girls, embark on some wholesome shenanigans, and go have some adventures!

If any one thing I hope you take from this experience is that your interests will continue to change as you get older and mature. And yes, while leaving some long loved activities behind can be a royal bummer, stay positive and look to fill your time with other equally or more exciting things as what you felt when gaming. Don't end up regretting what you could have done and don't allow a good opportunity to pass you by.

You seem to be a pretty bright young person. You'll be fine!

Good luck, don't be afraid to go outside your comfort zone, and go explore all the opportunities he world has to offer!


It is nothing big deal, I'm in my twenties, but I have never played computer game( all kind of games) . I was born with out interest in playing games. So, you need not think that much, just follow your heart and find something else interests you.:lol:

Thank you for that response, you're right, thats what I started to do. I know, I seem insane, to normal people. On the plus side, I have met some nice girls, and I'm still perfecting that technique.

Get a life now while you are young and can enjoy it.Computing is not everything in life.Many suggestions I read from these members you should adhere to and you will not go wrong.Good Luck

Oh man, reading this out of the context that you are 13 makes the issue so much more serious :). I imagine a 20-40 year old person stating this and man they have a serious problem. Some of the issues plaguing the young are great. When I was 13 having my girlfriend not have a complete breakdown was probably my main concern and that generally took a large portion of my willpower and free time. Then learning to kickflip took the the rest...after school that is...education is extremely important.

It's great to see everyone's post because like everyone here I agree with them. Like my father told me, when you get older certain things just don't seem to matter as much and are not worth fixating on or stressing out about. There is much wisdom in these responses here and a lot of that wisdom comes with age. You are finding new interests, becoming disillusioned with old ones. I've always loved to game, I never put in as much time as you have, but I've always enjoyed it. For several years though I became very uninterested in it and found no joy whatsoever in it. Until one day randomly I tried playing a game I bought on steam that had been sitting there for quite some time and it sparked my love affair with games all over and I haven't looked back. I get burnt out on gaming every now and then, but I feel like that is true with a lot of hobbies I used to have. Man oh man I'd love to get back into skateboarding, but I don't think my body could handle another serious go at it.
Man, i'm like you, i'd be lost without my pc...I mean it broke one time in the 2 years since i built it... just recently actually, and it was a mobo failure and took with it a psu and my gpu, I literally cried. Not just because im too broke for this crap but well yes mostly that i guess, but the PANIC i felt not having my PC I thought to myself Jesus you've got a problem....sigh... I love my gaming, I can play all day and night if I dont have other crap to do or work... my friends? 90% online.. I'm a strange human. misunderstood and quarky, my in person friends are all much older than me I just don't fit in with ppl my age :/ so I understand totally.. outside and daylight are overrated. They make vitamin D pills for that.

There's nothing wrong with you, dear. It's good. You can spend more time on other things, like reading, cycling, or spending more time with your friends and parents...