What is wrong with my computer?


Dec 29, 2015
Ok, so around a month ago I built my first pc. For my build I had
CPU: Intel i5 4690
GPU: MSI Radeon r9 380
Ram: 8gb of ram
Motherboard: MSI z97 gaming 5
Storage: 1tb mechanical hard drive and a 250gb ssd

Ok now here was the first problem. My framerate always stayed the same no matter what I did. In the witcher 3 I would run like 30fps on high then switch it to medium and then switch it to low and the fps was the same on all of them. I eventually switched graphics cards to an MSI GTX 980. This graphics card was supposed to be a beast but on Just Cause 3 I run the game with no anti aliasing or v sync at around 53-40 fps with occasional drops to 35 when explosions start.
I dont know what is wrong with my PC for it to have the same frame rate on all settings. I really want to get this fixed before far cry primal comes out. Thank you
Well, I hate to advocate that as it is a rather expensive upgrade. They say the minimum is i5-2500k, and a GTX670 2GB and with that they say you won't go beyond low setttings which is utterly insane.

How they could build this game which has a such a high level of entry to play properly is pretty sad, but that's what I'm seeing. Usually the people running i7's are good to go, the people running i5's or less are not. Since you exceed the minimum with the GTX980 (970 is 'ideal' according to them), and still aren't hitting great FPS, then the i7 is the only thing left to look at.

And yes I have the latest drivers. I have the geforce experience app and it told me to get 361.91.
Monitor cable should be plugged into one of the GPU's slots on the back of your case. The motherboard also has video inputs, but you shouldn't be plugged into those.

Start with that

Ok it is plugged into my GPU

I did not mean to make that a solution lol. I have check my temps. My cpu temps are good I know that what should my gpu temps be
I did some digging around and apparently the framerates are all over the place even on similar hardware. Here's an interesting thread on reddit about it:


And here's a performance guide from Nvidia about it http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/guides/just-cause-3-graphics-and-performance-guide

I think it's really a settings/drivers/optimization clusterfu*k - in other words, you'll need to play with the settings to get the best performance out of it. It does appear to be a CPU intensive game, with an i7/970 combo as the recommended setup by Nvidia.

Ok so should I be looking to upgrade my cpu some time in the future?
Well, I hate to advocate that as it is a rather expensive upgrade. They say the minimum is i5-2500k, and a GTX670 2GB and with that they say you won't go beyond low setttings which is utterly insane.

How they could build this game which has a such a high level of entry to play properly is pretty sad, but that's what I'm seeing. Usually the people running i7's are good to go, the people running i5's or less are not. Since you exceed the minimum with the GTX980 (970 is 'ideal' according to them), and still aren't hitting great FPS, then the i7 is the only thing left to look at.