So I was testing out BF4 on the PNY 2gb 550ti graphics card that I normally use for dedicated Physx, when I noticed once again why I had stopped using it as my primary card, and went with a 660 ti. BF4 Crashed, and I got this message:
At least it wasn't a BSOD which I used to get when using the card for minecraft. I'm just curious if anyone knows what on earth is wrong with this card, and what I can do (if anything) to fix it, because I was hoping to put it into my younger brother's system as a Christmas present (Along with other things 😀 ), but if it isn't functioning, I'm not sure what I can do.
EDIT: I have Geforce experience, and update my drivers regularly

At least it wasn't a BSOD which I used to get when using the card for minecraft. I'm just curious if anyone knows what on earth is wrong with this card, and what I can do (if anything) to fix it, because I was hoping to put it into my younger brother's system as a Christmas present (Along with other things 😀 ), but if it isn't functioning, I'm not sure what I can do.
EDIT: I have Geforce experience, and update my drivers regularly