What is XMP?


Nov 14, 2014
Hello I want to purchase this for my setup: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?sdtid=7428474&SID=c9888c352d6b4b2dbe86e583f92615b5&AID=10440897&PID=1225267&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-cables-_-na-_-na&Item=N82E16820231589&cm_sp=

My friend told me XMP is bad because takes more electricity and the RAM is bad because its 1.65v which will make my electricity bill go up. I don't know if this is true and I don't have any knowledge on this but can anyone please explain?
XMP (it's provided by Intel) makes the MoBo send in some more Voltage (0.25V to be precise, from stock 1.5V) for them to work at stated speeds. It's laughable that your friend told you so, 0.25V is NOTHING in terms of electricity, perhaps $1 more after 10 years. Great choice on sticks! Keep your selection, there's no downside.
XMP (it's provided by Intel) makes the MoBo send in some more Voltage (0.25V to be precise, from stock 1.5V) for them to work at stated speeds. It's laughable that your friend told you so, 0.25V is NOTHING in terms of electricity, perhaps $1 more after 10 years. Great choice on sticks! Keep your selection, there's no downside.
XMP allows your BIOS to automatically configure the overclocked DRAM voltage and timing information, so you don't have to do it manually. Nothing more, nothing less. You can still set the timings/voltages by yourself if you wish. XMP is here to make it easier for you. But stating that you shouldn't get 1.65V due to electrical bill is laughable at best.

Thanks, I guess I will go with these. Can you tell me if these will work on my asrock extreme6 mobo as well?