It's not actually all about your video card in 3dmark 06 - actually having certain cpu's makes more of a difference in the score.
Most people with an overclocked i7 and say a 4890 or better card will go above 20k. Most people with an overclocked phenom II and say a 5800 series card will get to about 20k too.
06 is just too old to be worthwhile now, try vantage or the new dx11 unigine one, or sisofts sandra has new graphics benchmarks too.
Let me unzip my pants real quick.......24502 with my system.
3DMARK06 isn't a very good at representing actual gaming performance. With my CPU at stock clocks, I get around 19-20K. If I overclock my CPU to 3.9GHz, I get almost 25K. It is very CPU dependent so it shouldn't be used as an actual gaming performance standard.
Phenom9950 @ 2.73Ghz on an Asus M2N-E 2x2 DDR2-800 GTX260 2x320Gig Seagate HDD in Raid0
Could be faster with an am2+ board that gives it double the HTLink
None. I run the installer and then it does nothing. Then Window gives the "Did this program install correctly" thing.
Tried running it in Compatability mode, as administrator and finally gave up.
If I remember correctly though on my same system with a HD2900Pro 1GB I was hitting 14K or so. Need to try with my 4870 just to see how it changes but still. Meh.