What kepler gpu to upgrade from 660-ti?


Mar 1, 2013
Hi all, I have a Evga gtx 660-ti ftw+ 3 gig gpu. I use a i7 3770k @ 4.5ghz, i play on 21.5" lcd at 1080p. I play wow, Planet side 2, Crysis 1,2,3, Far Cry 3, dayz etc. I reliesed i have to turn off AA in alot games to get 50+ fps that i enjoy in shooters. I am looking at either EVGA GeForce GTX 680 FTW+ 4GB w/Backplate Part Number: 04G-P4-3687-KR
or the EVGA GeForce GTX 680 FTW Part Number: 02G-P4-3686-KR. Would this be decent upgrade, i think the 660-ti just blows. Any feedback, and no i will not buy any ati cards what so ever. And i do not have enough cash for 690 or titan. Also could get 2nd 660-ti for sli, but really dont want to do that. Ty for feedback and your time, Dustin


Mar 1, 2013

My selections are from Evga cause i have discount code to use from them to fyi


Jan 7, 2013
Honestly the only difference is the backplate, which only lowers temps by a couple degrees max, and the extra vram which you way want but don't necessarily need. So if it's worth the $60 go for the 4gb version.

btw why are you so adamant about not wanting to buy an amd card? I'm just curious not trying to change your mind


Jan 7, 2013
Well since amd bought ati the drivers have gotten a lot better. But it's your personal preference so I respect that.

Do you plan to have a multi-monitor setup in the future, or play on a higher resolution? If so you would probably want to get the 4 gb 680.


May 30, 2012
My Asus gtx670 direct cu II Top(very rare overclocked to 1313mhz/7150) arguably goes on par with all the best gtx670s and gtx680s out there and yet for far cry 3 and crysis3, I can't use the AA more than 2x in order to maintain 60+ fps throughout the game(fps drops to 50s when I use 4x). In all honestly, I do not think any of the gtx680/670 would be able to maintain high AA(more than 4x MSAA) for those games. You would notice a significant difference only when you get the gtx690/Titan or perhaps go sli.

I know how you feel it is frustrating for me too not being able to max out the latest games. But I guess our best option would be to wait for the next generations of nvidia gpus which would be out very soon or going for the hd7970ghz edition which has a much higher chance of maxing out those games according to the benchmark sites.


Nov 29, 2010

The gtx660ti is a good card, it has the same chip as the gtx670 and gtx680. I would not upgrade at the moment, as a gtx670 will not be a huge increase in performance. Also a gtx680 is not worth it, as an overclocked gtx670 can match or beat a gtx680. You could add another card in SLI, but you risk having driver issues, game compatibility issues, microstutter, etc.

So the card you have is pretty good, and I think its better just to wait and see what the next gen has to offer (it will likely come early next year or later this year). I agree with shamsmu, I have a gigabyte gtx670 and while its a beast, and it can max out a lot of games, if I try to max out AA in Far cry 3 I get ~30-40 fps or less. Thats normal, its not worth upgrading over that, at least not at the moment.

Hope this helps!