As of the ps4, I know it uses a x86 jaguar processor 8 core. I believe a fx 6350 is equal. The integrated GPU is quite good, similar to a r9 270 I believe form a wiki
As of the ps4, I know it uses a x86 jaguar processor 8 core. I believe a fx 6350 is equal. The integrated GPU is quite good, similar to a r9 270 I believe form a wiki
he isn't asking for advice, he is asking for an answer to a simple question. if he plans to build that its his own choice here. he ain't asking us to make it better or how to or what to buy.
When did that forum come into play? I was building a PC a few months ago and asked a lot of questions and I saw a ton of people asking where they should start and what builds people would reccomend and I never once saw someone enforce that.
But the i5 6600k r9 390/970 would make consoles take a crap in their pants. If you have the money get that combo and you'll be able to run most if not all games on high-ultra. I personally have the r9 390 and i7 6700k and haven't had any issues and run the witcher 3 on a combo of high and ultra settings with v-sync on and get 50-60 frames like 95% of the time I am playing. That gives you an idea of what to expect, though it could be different because of the CPU difference idk.
Consoles this gen, compared to PCs at the time of release, are arguably the weakest ever. Both the XB1 and PS4 are powered by Jaguar class APUs by AMD. I believe they are essentially modified A10 class. While there are some significant differences compared to consumer grade PC hardware, the console hardware was picked more for it's lower power and low cost then performance. There's a reason why consoles are still stuck on 720p/30 FPS the second they start using graphical features which have been the norm on PCs for years now.