What kind of RAM did my mb support?

Syed Naz

May 2, 2013

Im currently using an Asrock Fatality z68 Gen3 mb. Im going to upgrade my ram but im stuck when it comes in choose the ram's frequency. Seems at the box stated my mb only have dual channels of 2133mhz. My question is did my mb only support 2x2133mhz rams? what about the remain 2 channels?what is the max freq support? which way should i go, 2x2133mhz ram or 4x1866mhz?

this is my rig
intel i5 2500
asrock fatality z68 gen3
sli gtx660
cm silent pro m2 850w
cm seidon 240m
ocz agality 120gb
2x wd 1tb black caviar

im running my rig on 2560x1440 resolutions
no dual channel 2133 means you can add upto 2133 Mhz with dual channel support. you can add DDR3 1333 & DDR 3 1600. you should go with ddr3 1600 rams they are cheaper and you can OC them to 2133. and im assuming you have intel 2500K.