Squeak sound became very loud under load, and even in idle, I can hear like 10% of it (haven't had this previously).
Here is a video: https://streamable.com/rxg88s
Here is a video: https://streamable.com/rxg88s
probably the bearings in the radiator fans, some will make noise when not mounted vertically or over time. might've been the video card fan but those don't usually spin @Idle
Please check another video: https://streamable.com/4muh1h
Is it normal that clocks and voltages are jumping that much in idle?
By the way, no OC apart from standard XMP.
Sounds like the AIO cooler pump might be going...do you have another cooler you can swap in for testing ? If not you can try unplugging the pump power lead for a couple of seconds to see if the sound disappears.
If it's still there with the pump unplugged you might have something in boards VRM that's going bad...you're sure it's not the gpu or psu making that noise ?
yeah the CPU will boost to complete single tasks quickly (logs or restore points) and return to idle.
is your pump plugged into the CPU header? I see it's a CM - so it would probably be fine in a SYS/CHA header - the radiator fans will react better to temp changes in the CPU or CPU/AUX