what memory will OC better and will it be okay with cooler master 212 EVO with AMD Phenom II X2 565 Black 3.4GHz


Dec 23, 2008
I have a question I am building a new pc and i got the cooler master 212 EVO and Im not sure if it wil fit.

The motherboard the Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0 ATX AM3+
Computer Case Roswell RIZE full Tower
Video card I picked out for this EVGA GeForce GT 610 1GB Video Card

What Memory will fit and are good to OC

G.Skill Ares Series
DDR3-2133 CAS 9
8GB (2x4GB)
240-pin DIMM

G.Skill Ripjaws X Series
DDR3-2133 CAS 10
8GB (2x4GB)
240-pin DIMM

Corsair Vengeance
DDR3-1866 CAS 9
8GB (2x4GB)
240-pin DIMM

This one I like a lot but not sure it's worth it. it's LED blue
Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer
DDR3-1866 CAS 9
8GB (2x4GB)
240-pin DIMM
blue/orange LED

Also There is a question I been looking at the motherboard and I cant seem to fine a case speaker connecter. My computer case did not come with one. and I not sure I need one. because one day I'm going to need to Troubleshoot the board.

Is there a build in computer speaker? I did not fine a connecter all I is boot device LED

Why pick the Phenom II X2 565 because This system is not to play games I have XBOX360 for that I am using it to play runescape on high settings, Netflix a streaming movies and little soft video editing TV shows. as in cutting the previews and credits off to make small size files. Latter if I want to play games on here then I can upgrade to a 6300 FX. And plus I'm on a budget

Why I picked the high end board with a x2 cpu because it's all set all need to do is upgrade the CPU and not both.

Why the EVGA GeForce GT 610 1GB Video Card Because I only need it for what I am doing plus im on a budget next month or so ill upgrade to a higher one. or return it with in 30 days and get a better one. I only need it for 3 displays 1 vga 17 in 1 dvi to hdmi 23 in and 1 hdmi 42 in
1 to play runescape one to watch movies and the other to surf the web.

Thanks in advance on who helped
No sorry, I seldom see Crucial sticks, primarily GSkill and then Corsair, most other brands are on specific request

The Ripjaws X 2133/9 look good, have run a bunch of them
The Cooler will work fine - as far as DRAM, with your CPU 1333 is about the best it will run - the 965 3C was the first AMD CPU that could reliably run 1600 - so 2133 is a waste of money. I'd look at the GSkill Snipers or Ripjaws X in 1333/9 or could try OCing the CPU and pushing to 1600/9

well I like the 2133mhz because latter down the road ill be getting fx 6300. so it's not a waste of money. and another thing is they are both the same price for 1866 and 2133. it's a waste to buy 1333 and then latter down the road have to buy 2133 and now the money is went to waste ill have to sell it. that's just waste of time to sell.

but my question is will the memory I listed will it fit and not block the cooler. some ppl have problems that the cooler will hit the memory.

well im pretty sure if I upgrade to the 8350 will run at 2133mhz am I right ?
That depends on the individual 8350, many can run 2133 some can't, each CPU is very individual, some OC better, other's not hardly at all, it's the same with the MC in the CPUs, seen some that can run a full load of 32GB of 2400 DRAM (my 8370 is one) others have trouble with more than 2 sticks of 1866. The FX CPUs actually have a native 1333 MC (memory controller), per their own BIOS and Kernel Programming Guide. So can't really predict what a CPU will do without having it in hand.

well with the motherboard I'm getting and if I get the 8370 will I be able to use the 2133? also note 8gb is just a start latter will be getting another 8 so 16gb together. Also where can I fine This info at on what cpu overclocks better.

anyways I looked at the 1333mhz memory 2x4 and they don't have the blue/black or blue color so only one that does have it is 1600 MHz and up to 2133 MHz
also the CAS is higher the better or lower then better ?
at 2133 CL 9 is about the best you'll see, for performance DRAM the following will show a slight increase performance wise at each step up

1600/7 1866/8 2133/9 2400/10

From this where 1866/10 is slightly better than entry level 1600/9 1866/8 is far better than 1600/9

ok yea it seems like 1600 and 2133 MHz are all the same price. here are the links. and 2133 MHz there is one that has 10 cas

http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gskill-memory-f312800cl8d8gbxm 1600 MHz cas 7 49.99
http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gskill-memory-f314900cl8d8gbxm 1866 MHz cas 8 53.89
http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gskill-memory-f317000cl9d8gbxm 2166 MHz cas 9 49.99 This one has 1.65V
http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gskill-memory-f32133c10d8gxm 2166 MHz cas 10 49.99 this one has 1.6V

also have you ever used Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer they have a blue and orange LEDS they are also in green and red LED.

yea the only reason why I like the Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer is it has blinking LEDS. and it seems pretty sweet. but the memory it's self is ugly it's black and silver.

So idk I have to think on them 2 the tactical or the The Ripjaws X 2133 /9 75% chance ill go with the The Ripjaws X ill do my research before I by thought well thanks for your time.

How about the 8350 or 8370 would that run 2133Mhz

Ok thank you very much.