Rght now i have a Technicolor tg589vn v3 which works fine except i can't for the life of me turn NAT from Strict to Open and it's giving me a headache with games that require you have an open NAT like Destiny 2. I tried port forwarding and all that but nothing worked so i want to buy a new Modem/Router that has plenty of options so i don't have to worry about my NAT being Strict ever again. I'm on VDSL, what are some good options?
Thanks everyone.
Rght now i have a Technicolor tg589vn v3 which works fine except i can't for the life of me turn NAT from Strict to Open and it's giving me a headache with games that require you have an open NAT like Destiny 2. I tried port forwarding and all that but nothing worked so i want to buy a new Modem/Router that has plenty of options so i don't have to worry about my NAT being Strict ever again. I'm on VDSL, what are some good options?
Thanks everyone.