What monitor for a 980ti


Jul 30, 2015

this will blow any of those out of the water http://www.microcenter.com/product/441579/XB280HK_28_4k_Ultra_High_Definition_G-Sync_Monitor
I have a 980ti with this and everything runs great on ultra at 60fps ( which is the max it can be anyway)

Seeing as you have a 980ti you should get one with gsync to make everything better.
i have a 980ti g1 gaming from gigabyte which is not overclocked and it runs games with ease on 4096x2160 resolution.

I can run the witcher 3 completely maxed out including AA and hairworks at a solid 35 fps, if that is not enough disable the aa and hairworks (you don't really notice AA anyways on 4k) and you are looking at a solid 45fps non overclocked. you should get a 4k monitor in my opinion and enjoy the quality of 4k. if the 45 fps is not enough overclock it to 1500mhz and you will be running at around 50+ fps

I just ordered the 28" asus display 4k display which is not 4096x2160 but normal 4k (3840x2160) so i expect even better performance