What motherboard do i have?


Oct 16, 2015
Was thinking about getting an XFX R9 390 and a new power supply (Corsair 750W), but i'm wondering if the motherboard can handle the XFX R9 390. What i've seen is that it requires a PCI-E 3.0 x16(?), but information about my computer is rare and theres a bunch of different models (which i don't know which i have) with varying specs (they're still pretty much the same). DxDiag and Speccy only says ASUSTeK COMUTER INC. M11BB and not the motherboard model. Would appreciate if someone knows what my motherboard is and if it has PCI-E 3.0 x16 for the card. As an alternative i would get an MSI GTX 970 if that would work instead.

AMD A8-6500
12 gigs of RAM
Motherboard: Unknown.
Graphics card: None actually, a Radeon 8570D (768mbs of RAM) is integrated into it, pretty clear why i want a real card now eh?
Storage: 931GB Toshiba DT01ACA100 SATA Disk Device (SATA)
I think that's enough, [strike]and why the hell did my keyboard mess up while writing this. 😵[/strike] God damn buttons changing my keyboard layout XD
Your motherboard has the AMD A55 Chipset. Those chipsets seem to be PCI-E 3.0 ready with AMD FM2+ processors (PCI-E 2.0 with FM2 processors). Since your processor is an FM2 processor, the motherboard will run at PCI-E 2.0 throughput, but is still compatible with a PCI-E 3.0 graphics card and you won't notice any performance loss because of it.

-Wolf sends

A bit more information. (Mainboard)
(going from above to the bottom)
M11BB, Rev X.0x
AMD, K15 IMC, Rev. 00
AMD, A55 FCH, Rev. 2.4
ITE, IT8603
Graphics Interface:
x0, x0
Greyed out.
Your motherboard has the AMD A55 Chipset. Those chipsets seem to be PCI-E 3.0 ready with AMD FM2+ processors (PCI-E 2.0 with FM2 processors). Since your processor is an FM2 processor, the motherboard will run at PCI-E 2.0 throughput, but is still compatible with a PCI-E 3.0 graphics card and you won't notice any performance loss because of it.

-Wolf sends
God damn it. It won't quote Wolfshadw.
To Wolfshadw: Thanks for the quick answer! Guess it wont be a waste of money to buy a new card. 60 FPS gaming here i come 😀
Haha, already decided one that should work.

Thanks geniuses from Tom'sHardware!

[strike]I'm going to put another question here if anyone stumbles onto here 😛
The XFX R9 390 (8GB) needs 8 something (stifts its called here) + 6 something (once again, stifts) powercables(?), but all PSU's I can find only has 4 x 8-stifts PCI-EPCI-E. Would it still work?[/strike]
Never mind. A 8 to 6 stifts cable comes with it.
The "8-stifts PCI-E" power cables are likely what we would call "6+2 pin PCI-E" power cables.

If the graphics card has an 8-Pin power connector, then you would use all 8 pins (6+2). If the graphics card requires a 6-pin power connector, then you would use the same cable, but the "+2" would be left dangling (unused).


Hope this helps some.

-Wolf sends

Thanks for teaching me about computer hardware! I edited about the same time as you posted this that a 8 to 6 pin and a 6 to 4 comes with the card.