What motherboard drivers should I install?


Nov 29, 2018
I just built my first pc and wanted to make sure I get everything about the drivers right. I am using a ASrock Z370 Extreme4 and looked on their website to see a confusing list of recent driver updates (image below) so I was wondering if I could get some help knowing what drivers I need to install.
Thank you!

Your pic doesn't scale to full-size.

Looking at the side, you want:
RealTek, INF and IME

Lan driver and the SATA3 driver.

Beyond that, depends on your configuration (are you using Optane etc).

The "ASRock RGB LED" application might be useful, if you have RGB hooked up to the motherboard?

The 4 above RGB though are utilities and Norton antivirus.

Do you research on the apps regarding what they do and decide if you want to use their functionality. You don't "need" those at all though.

Windows Update does a decent job of finding drivers, but sourcing them from your MB vendors website is always the best idea.
Your pic doesn't scale to full-size.

Looking at the side, you want:
RealTek, INF and IME

Lan driver and the SATA3 driver.

Beyond that, depends on your configuration (are you using Optane etc).

The "ASRock RGB LED" application might be useful, if you have RGB hooked up to the motherboard?

The 4 above RGB though are utilities and Norton antivirus.

Do you research on the apps regarding what they do and decide if you want to use their functionality. You don't "need" those at all though.

Windows Update does a decent job of finding drivers, but sourcing them from your MB vendors website is always the best idea.

So I looked around and decided the drivers I probably needed were the one’s you listed, the IRST driver and the VGA driver. I wanted to run this by someone before going ahead. If it’ll help here is my part list, https://pcpartpicker.com/user/TannerA119/saved/BDZw6h
(Sorry if this is a bother I am fairly new to this and want to get everything right.
The VGA is for the integrated graphics, with a discreet GPU you don't *need* to install it - that's one Windows update would take care of regardless.

IRST is only required if you want to run RAID whcih, with that hardware, you can't.

The ones I linked are all you "need".