What motherboard should I choose?


May 5, 2014
I'm not quite sure yet if this is the build i'm going to get, but what motherboard should I get with it?

AMD r9 290x (also thinking of getting the gtx 780 instead)
750w corsair PSU
8GB ram, probably going to upgrade it later but choosing 8bg ram for now.
144hz 21-23 inch full LED monitor

I am not going to overclock
I intend to play games like AC, BF4 and crysis 3 on ultra with the highest possible fps.
What motherboard should I get? What about the asus maximum VI formula? Or is that even neccesary? Should I get the asus maximum VI hero instead or a completly different motherboard? As you can see i'm quite the noob here haha
if you have got money to spend the get the 4770K (note the ''K''). dont put so much money into a motherboard because it wouldn't directly affect gaming performance. Any sub $150-ish motherboard will get the job done. A lso the 4770k can also be overclocked with the board (below) for when you lose that "noob" tag(no offence!) you will have a kickass pc.(which you can overckock later if needed)

It costs only 74$... I was thinking something around 200-240$. Keep in mind that my intention is to run games like AC black flag, crysis 3 and bf4 on max. Would this really be enough? I've already said i'm a noob at this so I don't know, but the price just seems too low to be something made to support high-end gaming.
if you have got money to spend the get the 4770K (note the ''K''). dont put so much money into a motherboard because it wouldn't directly affect gaming performance. Any sub $150-ish motherboard will get the job done. A lso the 4770k can also be overclocked with the board (below) for when you lose that "noob" tag(no offence!) you will have a kickass pc.(which you can overckock later if needed)

Ok, getting the k model instead and also a 150$ motherboard. thank you