What new Ryzen cpu (ones coming out soon) should I get to match GTX970


Jan 29, 2016
What would you recommend to get to match the gtx970 I got recently.

Which of the new coming out soon Ryzen cpu's will give the best value and performance.

Which would be the most future proof for gaming.
Ok thanks, one other question though maybe I should make a new thread is.

How will the power usage compare with the old 1155 i5 2500 I was using.

For example how do these new ryzen cpus, graphics cards like the 970 and new motherboards do when you are just web browsing for example. Are you still burning a lot of power?
Ok thanks because I don't want to throw out my old psu or case when I upgrade.

So I assume the atx motherboard mounting hasn't changed since 2011.

Also last time I rushed to get a new series of cpu as soon as it came out (sandy bridge) and ended up with a buggy motherboard with a faulty sata controller, there was a recall but it was too much effort to take everything out and send it back so I kept it but later accidentally flashed it with the wrong bios trying to fix it when it was unfixable for that particular issue.
Anyway, how long should I wait just in case there could be any issue with any new motherboards or cpus with these new ones coming out soon?