What on earth is happening??? Weird fps issues.


Aug 28, 2016
i7 4770k OC to 4.15ghz
gtx 1080 ti
16 gb 2400hz ddr3
win 10

Every time i start a game, whether it be Rocket League or PUBG, I start out fine. 99~100 hz on my 100hz g-sync monitor (with g-sync off its higher). Then after a while my fps drop to 20-22. this takes 2-3 minutes. Funny thing is both the CPU utilisation and gpu power draw drops, so it doesnt act like a bottleneck. In PUBG i start out with 60% CPU usage and 75% GPU usage. Then cpu drops to 35-40% and gpu to 30-35% (GPU is 27% idle) this happens at the same time and me fps drops to 20fps. What is causing this???

Any help is appreaciated
If you drop the OC settings back to stock, does the problem go away? Also, what are your idle and loaded CPU and GPU temperatures?

These sorts of issues are often heat and/or power related, by the way.
I've declocked the CPU with no change. I will check the CPU temps again, but i know that the GPU temps are in the 70s so that can't be it. My idle cpu is around 35 C and the gpu is 45 idle (it turn on the fans at 60C). I'll be back with load temps. Reason I haven't checked already is because I've had the cpu for 4 years and i've never seen it above 85 overclocked.

Anyways, thank you for answering. I appreciate it.