What part of my PC should I upgrade?


Jul 24, 2016
I have 264 dollars to upgrade my PC. I only use my PC strictly for gaming. I do not edit or record videos, only gaming. I want to achieve the best graphics and highest FPS. Here's my specs. I also want to know what part you guys recommend as a replacement for the part you suggest I should upgrade.

Graphics Card: R9 380 2 Gig

CPU: AMD FX-6350 – 6 Core 3.5 GHz

Ram: 8 Gig DDR3 – 1600MHz

HD: 1 TB Western Digital Blue

Motherboard: Gigabyte AM3+

Wifi Card: TP Link WDN-4800

Power Supply: EVGA 650 Watt 80+Bronze

Case: Corsair Spec-02 Red

Disk Drive: Asus 24x DVD/CD
Your CPU will work OK for the cards I recommended above. This would give you more FPS than keeping your existing card and upgrading to an i5 or i7. Upgrading just the CPU to another AMD won't give you a significant boost in games. Better to just overclock it until you are ready to upgrade the CPU, motherboard and RAM to Intel or the Zen CPU's when they come out.
Your CPU will work OK for the cards I recommended above. This would give you more FPS than keeping your existing card and upgrading to an i5 or i7. Upgrading just the CPU to another AMD won't give you a significant boost in games. Better to just overclock it until you are ready to upgrade the CPU, motherboard and RAM to Intel or the Zen CPU's when they come out.

How much of a FPS boost do you think I would get if my upgraded my GPU?
would also depend on cpu theres already games with recommended or min specs of amd 8350 or 9590
if playn on sticking with a amd build wait till 1st quarter of next year for the new amd zen processor the start shipping the end of this year but supply is very limited was stated in pres releases they going for 1st quarter next year for consumers ones that ship this year primarially builders .
so if your running a old 600 seris amd you need to get a new mord if if get a 8350 or higher . though the 8350 board are compatiabel with some of the older amd chips if 9370 or 9590 then ya need a am3+ boards that supports 220 watt processors. even then if ya get a 8350 and overclock it to the gills then ya would still need a 220 wat tdp supported board cuase the 8350 is the stock version of the 9370 and 9590 but some slight diffrences like the memory controller on the 950 supports faster ram more cache ect so still some diffrences there .
so if cant wait build a 8350 to 9590 system if don't wana wait or pay the new [prices of the zen am4 motherboards and cpus when they release will take awhile for prices to go down . or ya could even consider a itel build but I just cant stanfd how overpriced the intels are .
hopefiully when amd zens fully release it will help drive down itel prices . their supposed to be in line with the current i7 and i7 extreme .
the new zen chip are going to ba minimum 40 more times instructions per clock over previos gem amds cpus