I Icyzealot Reputable Nov 20, 2014 5 0 4,510 Jan 10, 2016 #1 Looking to buy parts on Newegg for a computer that uses the GTX 970 and i7-5820K whats a motherboard + supply cable + memory + fan that will go along nicely with those 2 core components thats currently selling on newegg?
Looking to buy parts on Newegg for a computer that uses the GTX 970 and i7-5820K whats a motherboard + supply cable + memory + fan that will go along nicely with those 2 core components thats currently selling on newegg?
Zerk2012 Titan Ambassador Oct 6, 2014 22,099 2,287 104,240 Jan 10, 2016 #3 On the low priced side. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/G8NQXL Upvote 0 Downvote
I Icyzealot Reputable Nov 20, 2014 5 0 4,510 Jan 10, 2016 #4 would u be so kind as to maybe give me something on the high priced side? Upvote 0 Downvote