What PC Components Sell The Fastest?

PC parts from 2006 do not sell, fast or otherwise. Nobody needs any parts from 2006 and aside from high end parts from the last one or two generations, even parts much newer than what you are looking to sell have very little to no resale value or demand.

Not only are most of them not compatible with ANYTHING currently being used, the majority of parts from any machine that old are likely having one foot in the grave anyhow, and most everybody interested in purchasing any kind of used part online will already be well aware of this. No to mention, as I said, those parts are likely not compatible with any modern hardware.

Only, possibly, overseas in less developed third world regions are those even minimally valuable, and the cost to...
PC parts from 2006 do not sell, fast or otherwise. Nobody needs any parts from 2006 and aside from high end parts from the last one or two generations, even parts much newer than what you are looking to sell have very little to no resale value or demand.

Not only are most of them not compatible with ANYTHING currently being used, the majority of parts from any machine that old are likely having one foot in the grave anyhow, and most everybody interested in purchasing any kind of used part online will already be well aware of this. No to mention, as I said, those parts are likely not compatible with any modern hardware.

Only, possibly, overseas in less developed third world regions are those even minimally valuable, and the cost to ship them to anybody there who might potentially be interested would far outweight the value any such parts might have had in the first place. Donate them to the Goodwill or throw them away would be my best recommendation if they are of no use to you, which they probably are not just as they are not to anybody else.

Thank you