Hi i wonder if you could help i have just got a new GPU and my old one has an 8pin power conector attached to it there is another 6pin pins zip tied about an inch back with another 2 pins zip tied a bit further back than that on the same cable , the new gpu needs one 8 pin and one 6 pin power connectors. My question is can i use just the one cable with the splitter bit to power the gpu using the 8 and the 6 pin from the same cable or i have another cable and a spare pcie socket on my power supply should i use two separate cables to power it and leave the extra connector on each cabel zip tied back out the way .
The PSU is a Corsair CX750M
The old GPU is a MSI GTX960 Gaming
The New GPU is a MSI GTX1070 Gaming X 8g
Many thanks
The PSU is a Corsair CX750M
The old GPU is a MSI GTX960 Gaming
The New GPU is a MSI GTX1070 Gaming X 8g
Many thanks