What power supply should I get for the GTX 960

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Jun 2, 2015
Hello, I plan to buy the Ge-force GTX 960 and I don't think my power supply is good enough for it.

My current power supply is Cit 500w black edition.

Could you tell me if the XFX ATX 550 Power Supply - P1550SXXB9 is good enough for the GTX 960? If it is not good enough then can you please tell me a power supply that will be perfect for the graphics card, thank you.

(PC specs)
CPU: Intel Core i5 2400
Current Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 6670
Graphics card I want: GeForce GTX 960
Ram: 8GB
Power Supply: Cit 500w black edition.
System Power Supply Requirements for a single GeForce GTX 960
NVIDIA specifies a minimum of a 400 Watt or greater system power supply. (Minimum system power requirement based on a PC configured with an Intel Core i7 3.2GHz 130 Watt TDP processor.)
the system power supply must also have a maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating of 28 Amps or greater
the system power supply should also have at least one 75-Watt 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connector. There are some non-reference design cards that require two 75 Watt 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connectors (e.g...
System Power Supply Requirements for a single GeForce GTX 960
NVIDIA specifies a minimum of a 400 Watt or greater system power supply. (Minimum system power requirement based on a PC configured with an Intel Core i7 3.2GHz 130 Watt TDP processor.)
the system power supply must also have a maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating of 28 Amps or greater
the system power supply should also have at least one 75-Watt 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connector. There are some non-reference design cards that require two 75 Watt 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connectors (e.g. Gigabyte GTX 960 G1 Gaming 2 GB [GV-N960G1 GAMING-2GD REV.1.0], Inno3D iChill Geforce GTX 960 2GB Ultra, etc.) or one 150-Watt 8-pin PCI Express supplementary power connector (e.g. EVGA GTX 960 SSC 2 GB [02G-P4-2966-KR], MSI GTX 960 Gaming OC 2 GB [GTX 960 GAMING 2G], etc.).

The CiT 500W Black Edition PSU's maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating is around 25 Amps. Your PSU only has one 75-Watt 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connector.

The XFX ATX 550 Power Supply - P1550SXXB9 is definitely more than sufficient.

do you think that a Corsair VS650 can run a EVGA GTX 960 SSC?
Thats what me confuse.. the reference card is 400w minimum.. but some card are OCed which is raise the power....
what about Zotac gtx 960 AMP and Gygabite gtx 960 Mini ?

The EVGA GTX 960 SSC itself draws a maximum of 166 Watts when running Furmark stability testing. How is a Corsair VS650 not way more than enough?

An NVIDIA Reference Design GeForce GTX 960 itself draws less than 135 Watts when running Furmark stability testing.

A Zotac GTX 960 AMP!-Edition itself draws less than 125 Watts when running Furmark stability testing.

Where does anyone get this idea that a GeForce GTX 960 card draws 400 Watts? It's theoretically impossible based on the PCI Express supplementary power connectors that are on the card.

Overclocking the graphics card beyond its factory clocks would increase the power draw of the graphics card by less than 10 Watts.
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