What products are affected by new US Tariffs?


Jun 5, 2018
N.B. - I do NOT want to have a political discussion here!

This summer I'm planning the purchase of some new, expensive, gear for Adobe Premiere Pro projects - new PCs, monitors, drives, network equipment, etc. I live in the US and much of this gear is manufactured or assembled in China.

The news on the $50B tariffs announced this morning said that they're targeting "industrial and business" products instead of "consumer" products. But since all the stuff I'm buying will be on the top end of the scale and may even include some rack-mounted components I'm wondering where they draw the line.

Can anyone suggest a way to tell what gear, products, companies, etc are affected? A 25% tariff will add $thousand$ to my costs.

Thanks in advance.
Honestly, I wouldn't expect it to have much of an impact.

It's amazing how many ways there are to get around things. There's a documentary that covers garlic production (stick with me here!), which has heavy tax/levy implications for (almost exclusively) Chinese imports.

The quick & "easy" solution, is, before any product ships to the US..... they're first shipped to Thailand/Vietnam/Philippines/et al. Then, once they head to the US, the country of origin, can be deemed those 3rd party countries.

Obviously, it won't be that simplistic for electronics etc.... but some aspects will carry over, I'm sure.

As a consumer, even a consumer looking at commercial-grade products, I highly doubt there will be any impact to your wallet vs today.

Wow. Good job finding that!

The only things I see that might be of concern are in the area of 8528925 and 8528933 flat screen color video monitors > 34.29 cm.

Yeah those were the most obvious ones I noticed. Of course I think like half or more of the screens come out of Korea so it may not matter.

Most of it seems focused on more "big" industry type stuff. AKA stuff with lots of steel in it.