What programs can i get rid of during startup?


Apr 2, 2001
I am running win98se and when it starts up it is slow. So i ctrl, alt, delete to see what programs i am running and i find out that i am running over 20 programs. I then went to run-msconfig-startup to see what programs i can get rid of during startup. So my question is what programs can stay and what can go? I am running norton 2000 systemworks. I know some norton programs can go but not sure about the rest. I am running:
pIII-450 could be too slow, time to upgrade or tweak it if possible.(will check out tom's overclocking)
384 RAM- should be enough
15 gigs-it was alot at the time
intel motherboard-
soundblaster live-

Thanks Again,
That REALLY varies on the computer man. A few that need to be running are "rnnapp", "explorer", "systray", and other stuff- depending on what your doing. There's really no way I can tell you what to get rid of. Closing out the useless stuff in systray will help though.

-MP Jesse

"Signatures Still Suck"
20+ programs seems an awful lot (I have 7 running at the moment, and only five of them are strictly necessary).

You will need to list exactly what is running to get any advice on what you can lose.

Running more than one anti-virus app can seriously slow down the system, just in case you are...
I know!!!! When i saw 20+ programs, i told myself that is my problem. That is why it takes so long to startup. These are the programs i am running:

2.)Disc Detector --- 19.)Load Power Profile
3.)Scan Registry --- 20.)Scheduling Agent
4.)Task Monitor --- 21.)Intel File Transfer
5.)System TRay --- 22.)TMA Distribution
6.)Load Power Profile --- 23.)CSINJECT.exe
7.)bpcpost.exe --- 24.)Symtray-norton SystemWorks
8.)ICServer --- 25.)Fpx
9.)Norton Auto-Protect --- 26.)Machine Debug Manager
10.)Norton Crash Guard Monitor --- 27.)BCMHal
11.)Pointer --- 28.)NPROTECT
12.)Browser Launcher --- 29.)E Reg
13.)Audio HQ --- 30.)MSN Quick View
14.)BlstApp --- 31.)sysdoc
15.)Colorific Control Panel --- 32.)NCS_SS
16.)LDCM Appication Launcher --- 33.)Image
17.)Critical Update --- 34.)Microsoft Office StartUp
18.)NPROTECT --- 35.)Adobe Gamma Loader.exe
I have a lot of programs running. Some are duplicated. You are right about anti-virus programs. Tell me what you think. I appreciate it.
I believe the only pgms you need running are explorer and system tray. Get rid of all that Norton [-peep-]...they are a complete waste of resources...or at least reconfigure them so they don't run on their own. Check the stuff in the system tray...do you need them or not...if you don't need them disable them. Check the start up folder under windows to see what is loading that you don't need. Create a new folder called "Start up not used" and move the start up items you don't think you need in there...you can always move them back. It looks like the registry is bloated with junk. I think a clean reinstall of win98 might be in order.

i am looking in system configuration utility (msconfig)is where all of theses programs are checked. So do you think i should check off everything expect explorer and systray and the programs i want to run(anti-virus, etc...).
Under the startup tab...remove the check marks from everything except "system tray" and "explorer" (if it is there) and see if your computer starts-up faster. I know it will.

Then, go back and put check marks next to those programs you definitely need. Personally, I would not run any of those Norton programs...they just waste resources and delay everything. If you need an anti-virus program, then look at the Computer Associates "InoculateIT". IT IS FREE for personal use and dosen't tie up resources. That Norton Crash Guard probably does more to screw up your computer than anything else.

Spdy. I agree with you 100% on Norton. I was a heavy user of Norton System works. Crasj Gurad is a disaster. Anti Virus is good but lot of resources, same goes with win doctor and other stuff are running at start up.

I have downloaded Inoculate IT and boy for 1 it is excellent. I got a worm 32 virus by email and Inoculate blocked it before Norton's even reacted. I reformnated my drive just to take all Norton stuff out and now running very happy with Inoculate IT.
you rock Spdy_Gonzales!!!! Much much fast. Now how the hell do you get rid of that stupid Win98 in the beginning. Ha Ha Ha!!!
Thanks Again,
Hey guys thanks for the recommendation. Can i have two anti-virus programs. I am about to download InoculateIT and i have Norton 2000.
I suppose you can...but why would you want to? (You will waste resources using the Norton anti-virus) InoculateIT beats that Norton crap hands down.

<b> "doo-doo" HAPPENS </b>
What does sys tray do??? I don't have anything in my start-up at all (except eplorer)
You can quite easilly get rid of the start up-picture.

this picture takes about 5 secs extra loading, maybe twice a day means about an hour per year looking at something really obnocius and unnecesary

i use tweaki (http://www.jermar.com/prod01.htm)
to kill it. works on all windows ive tried.

my only applications running is systray and taskmon. (w98se) actually that is all that i need.

well if i look in msconfig/autostart scanreg is unchecked in w98se. works for me

<font color=purple> If the blue man had been a purple man had it then been PSOD? </font color=purple>
What does it mean if systray is not under my startup tab in msconfig? My machine runs fine. If I look in "Find Files or Folders" it will find systray, and if I double click on it a little speaker appears on the bottom right of my task bar. So my question is: What does it mean & should I worry about it?

My brain has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down
U can worry about it if you want...(just kidding)

The speaker icon allows you to adjust the sound level...and if you click on the time you can change the date and time.

You can get to these options through settings/control panel. The system tray just provides convenient access if you want to change some settings. I think it is not absolutely necessary, but sometimes a nice convenience.

Sometimes when you install new software, it puts an icon in the system tray. If you think you don't need it, just get rid of it, or you can drag it to the desktop so that you have a shortcut to the function without it being loaded at startup.

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