What ps do you consider is better to buy?


Sep 12, 2016
Ps3 with 30-50 games/year and high graphics
i'm more interested in bundles such as assassin's creed 1 and 2 with all expansions and killzone remale+ other remakes.
ps4 with 10-15 games/year and ultra graohics? bf1=in 2020, bf4, xenoverse, gta5, batman series, dmc5, ac 4-6, mgs-gz, ff7-remake and ff15....any game over 50$ will have to wait me 2 more years and those of 15-30$, 2-3 monthly xD

BTW, the only thing that i hate at console games is that i have to buy dlc and expansions separately if can't find them as bundles.
P.S. my budget would be 300-400$ xD
I would go for the newer system, developers will continue to make games for it longer (so you won't feel left out in the future) and the graphics will be better.
I really recommend a PC, but this is the best yo'll be able to do with that budget- https://pcpartpicker.com/list/
It's an upgrade base, but not great by any means.
So I recommend the PS4
If you don't a have a PC capable of running those newer games you said, go with a PS4, definetly. Go for PS4 Neo or Slim, don't get the older version IMO.

I wouldn't get a PS3 now, as its going to become more and more obsolete.
DLCs... You buy them separately in PC too, as you would in a console, main difference is the Season Pass.

Maybe with that budget we can upgrade or starting building a new PC for you?
I would go for the newer system, developers will continue to make games for it longer (so you won't feel left out in the future) and the graphics will be better.
I really recommend a PC, but this is the best yo'll be able to do with that budget- https://pcpartpicker.com/list/
It's an upgrade base, but not great by any means.
So I recommend the PS4

the only reason to go for a PS4 neo (PS4 PRO) when it is released would be if you have or plan to buy a 4KTV in the future. if not then go for the PS4 or the new PS4 slim when it comes out


If he's a console guy, he might. That's way i pointed that the new PS4 could be a good option too. Let's way for the OP to respond

:)) it took me 5 minutes, idk about hdd if will eat memory like crazy as mine but with this one, i can play all pc games i desire such as xenoverse, bf4, watchdogs and fifa 17 for sure! i will find out next year maybe.
I think i will get a ps4 slim by 300$ and buy 2-3 games monthly; i can't afford atm to get an 4k, i saw somewhere that is between 1k$-10k$ and i get only 400$ monthly...bills and debts to bank xD
i'm more interested on any pc game that i longed for since 2004-2015.
My first pc game crush in 2004 were pop ww, bf2,hl2, css and many others 😀
in 2k6 i had my first good pc that could run even aion on medium, i played it with my high's mates in 2k9 and it's specs are 700+ rams and an 128 videocard i think.
I am thinking about repair it by getting an intel g4400, an nvidia gt 210, 2gb ram from this pc, a dvdrw cuz the other one i gave it to a classmate in highschool 6 years ago,a hdd of 500gb and windows 7x64 ultimate which i own since 2014.
And about my pc,my specs are: 2 gb ddram 3, windows 7 ultimate (on x32 from the same dvd), intel 2 duo e4600 2,4ghz and nvidia quadro nvs 290 (ddr2 256 mb); i am willing to put in this one an nvidia gt 730 2gb gddr5, 2x4 gb rams and i will ask a friend who run pc repairs if i can add a second hdd on my pc, that one of 2t
I hope that by Christmas i can upgrade this pc and the old one i think it will cost me around 150$ to fix it and to play some mmorpg from both or so.
Maybe in summer i will make my cousin a surprise by upgrading a little his pc just like i want to make my old one, (cuz he got a 64 mb geforce and 1 gb ram-on windows 7 x32) hopefully 😀