What PSU do I need as calculators are varying wildly - please help :)


Mar 17, 2014

I am looking to build my first PC, but when it comes to the PSU I am getting wildly varying advice from different sources.

The spec I am looking to build is as follows:-

  • I7 4770k
    Asus Gryphon Z87
    8gb DDR3 1600
    3TB 7200 rpm HD
    Bluray writer
    3 x case fans
    Zalman CNPS8900 Quiet Ultra Quiet Slim CPU Cooler
    2 or 3 USB devices (e.g. BT, wireless keyboard dongle etc)

I may overclock to around 4GHz, so probably best to factor that in too.

I am restricted to a PSU that measures no more than 150mm x 86mm x 140mm and I would prefer a modular design if possible.

Asus PSU calculator recommends 700
eXtreme PSU calculator recommends around 500

I am not planning on going SLI at this point, so realise if I wanted to I would need to upgrade the PSU later, but just based on the above what should I go for?

Would a 650w PSU be suitable or would it be overkill?

This is my first post, so apologies if I have posted in the wrong section and for the long post!

If I need to provide any more information please let me know.

Thanks in advance!

Thanks so much for the speedy answers!

Both of those are slightly too big (dimension-wise) but it is good to know I do not need a 750w PSU.

I will probably go for a 650w as then I have a little room to grow.

Thanks again - much appreciated!

