What PSU for MSI GTX 760 4GB


Oct 17, 2013
I am bought an MSI GTX 760 and I was wonder what would be the best PSU for it? It needs to be, in the future, powering the 760, 16GB 1600MHz RAM, and an i5 4670K. Thanks in advance!

yes definitely

Ok, thanks a bunch.
I wouldn't use the recommended wattage that MSI gives, I would go slightly above the wattage that the card requires. I am currently using this PSU here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153170, and I don't have any kind of issues with it. I hope this helps. :)

So? That's just with my setup, I have a bunch of custom coolers, fans, and lights in my computer. The only reason I went that far is because I wanted to ensure that my components were getting enough power while gaming. And I also put that PSU in there in case I wanted to make some upgrades in the future.

Yeah good point. 500w would work, but in my opinion I would shoot just a tad over the requirements, for just little things. But it shouldn't matter, 500w works in a rig like his.

It is a 550W. I have a 500W but I don't trust on how long it will last. I have already bought it with the PNY GTX 760 OC edition with the power supply that the other poster recommended. If I do decide to go SLI I will switch.