What psu is needed for my system ?

Sep 7, 2018
What PSU is needed for my system?

Motherboard: STRIX Z270H GAMING
GPU: ROG 1060 6gb
CPU: i7-7700

i have 3 external fans and they all have some extra lights and my motherboard and gpu is putting out some light

Right now i have a 3-5 y/o corsair 500w is that enough

Thanks for answers :)

And is there any way i can see how much power my computer is consuming
english isnt my native languache sry!

500 watts should be enough. What exact model of Corsair PSU do you have? Some are better than others, and if it is 3-5 years old, then model would be critical to determining if it is suitable for running your PCor burning it up.


right now i have a problem with my gpu crashing and i think it is bc the PSU is too bad. bc the temprature is good and it is only crashing when the gpu is working very hard. when i play games like PUGB soo i think that the psu have a problem with keeping the gpu with power. Could that be true?

That does sound like it could be a PSU issue.
Again,What is the EXACT model of your PSU?

It is model: CMPSU-500CX V2
Right now i have a 3-5 y/o corsair 500w is that enough
500W is more than enough for your system. But the model of PSU is important.
And is there any way i can see how much power my computer is consuming
You need something similar to this to know exactly.

Otherwise, we can guess. 100W(CPU Turbo) + 150W(GPU) + 100W = 350W under full load. 450W would be enough for your needs if you don't upgrade.

the model is: CMPSU-500CX V2

That is Corsair's builder's class of PSU. Not one of their better units. If it is more than 3 years old, I would recommend replacing it with a 500-600 watt unit from tiers 1 or 2 (certainly no lower than 3!) from this list:
What ever fits your budget and is available to you.

Thank you dude <3
the model is: CMPSU-500CX V2
It's not bad but not good either. I prefer Tier 1/2 PSUs on this list, specifically Corsair, EVGA, Seasonic.

If you think the PSU is the problem, get MSI Afterburner > lower power limit.

EDIT: "clarkjd", You're fast. Didn't think I would reply the same as you.

Great minds think alike! 😉