What quality Gaming PC will I need


Jul 24, 2016
I want to play mainly strategy games like men of war,company of Heros and empire total war.I don't know how much money I will have to spend or what parts I would need to build a PC to run those games.I do know I want a i5 in my PC though.
Those game are CPU intensive so a good i5 will be good. Also I suggest getting an RX480 or a GTX1060. Both cards are good for 1080p gaming and will be good for "future proofing". I use the term future proofing lightly because we don't really know how long the hardware will last. I also recommend getting a Skylake CPU so that you can utilise DDR4 RAM. One you have determined your budget, create another thread and the guy's on here will be able to create a build specifically for your budget.

Hope this helps!
Those game are CPU intensive so a good i5 will be good. Also I suggest getting an RX480 or a GTX1060. Both cards are good for 1080p gaming and will be good for "future proofing". I use the term future proofing lightly because we don't really know how long the hardware will last. I also recommend getting a Skylake CPU so that you can utilise DDR4 RAM. One you have determined your budget, create another thread and the guy's on here will be able to create a build specifically for your budget.

Hope this helps!