RetiredChief :
1) For OS and programs, Raid0 will do very little to improve. For large game maps load time should improve as LONG as the "map" is larger than the stripe size. Reason:
.. Raid0 only really improves Sequential performance. This is the least important matrix for an OS + Programs.
.. Raid0 does not decrease access time, and does Very little for the Random 4K performance.
NOTE: you can improve on access time if you use "short stoke" For a pair of WD Blacks it cut access time from about 11.+ millisec to around 9.5 millisecs. Disadvantage of short stoke is that you lose 70 -> 60% of drive capacity.
Before SSDs I used Raid0 on all my systems, going back to late 90's and using raid0 with IDE drives.
For My OS + program drive, I used the 64 K stripe size (found little advantage with smaller size) and default cluster size. For My photo and Movie drive, I went with 128 K stripe and increased cluster size to 32K.
In looking at GhislainG's link, Please ignore the comment about Raid0 approaching SSD performance. Yes you may get close on sequential read/writes but that is the ONLY real boost. Again Raid0 does NOT change access time and an SSD is on the order or one hundred times faster. As states can use short stroke to decrease, but still NO where’s approaching an SSD.
Reason Short stroke decreases access time, is that for a HDD access time is dependent on where the data is - ie is it at the outer edge of the platter, or is it closer to the center of the platter. Short stroke limits data to the outer 30->40 percent of the platter(s) where access time is highest (angular velocity).
I HIGHLY disagree!
Raid0 does a WHOPPING speed for OS boot time , less OS lag time, etc. 2 Fast Sata 2 or 3 disks will give good performance.. 3 even better... up to 1.5-2X the speed if you had a single drive.
I have a 5 disk array in raid 0 and it blows away any single SSD throughput on games, file copies, etc.They go right up and smack into the 6Gps data cap of sata 3
Array enough disks in raid0, and yes, you can easily outperform a SSD.. however.. with only 2 disks, you won't.. but you will still see a nice performance boost for reads and writes for games, OS, etc.
I use a 32KB strip with a 64KB cluster size
A lot of times a file is not striped across all disks unless it's a big file... this is a GOOD thing for random reads ... one 2 drives can grab file A, another 2 file B, and the 5th a small file C.
and large files are striped across all drives...
The best way to see raid in action: Make a software raid 0 in Windows and watch the drive access...
sometimes just 1 drive is being read from... sometimes 2.. or 3.. 4 or all 5.. same with writing... and when there's a Q length of 5-10.. the drives perform incredibly fast.. I don't software raid.. I just did it to see what the drives were doing.
but my 5 disk raid 0 array can read and write at about 650MB/sec.... and Sata 3 has a cap of 6GB.. You wont see ANY DDS with 650MB read/write abilities...
Granted, I'm not posting any tech details, I'm speaking mostly in layman's terms... but I'd be happy to get technical why a large raid 0 (or even a raid 5) array can whoop the pants off a SSD
It's all about working in parallel