What ram does this motherboard use?


No, it isnt laptop RAM (SODIMM) and it may not always be listed as DDR3L, but basically its lower voltage DDR3, so same size but with lower heat dissipation. You can manually undervolt regular DDR3 RAM but I wouldnt try that if you arent quite familiar with RAM. It can get fairly complicated. Just stick to 1.35v DDR3 modules.

so i tried looking for ddr3l.. and all i found was laptop ram.
will those work on this motherboard? because the motherboard looks to have full size ram slots
As Multipack said, it use the DDR3 memory, but the lower voltage one (due the Skylake processor), you could use DDR3L (1.35v) or DDR3UL (1.25v) memorys without problems, or also could try some brands of normal DDR3 if you undervolt them (by hand) and adjust the speeds and timings but that's a bet, there is not any garantee that any (normal) 1.5v memory would work stable at 1.35v but some do.

The important part is that you not use a voltage for the DDR3 memory over 1.35v or you could shorter the lifespan of the CPU.

okay, but will the laptop ram work with this board?

No, it isnt laptop RAM (SODIMM) and it may not always be listed as DDR3L, but basically its lower voltage DDR3, so same size but with lower heat dissipation. You can manually undervolt regular DDR3 RAM but I wouldnt try that if you arent quite familiar with RAM. It can get fairly complicated. Just stick to 1.35v DDR3 modules.

Laptop Ram is (usually) a diferent format that desktop ram (SO-DIMM ram), and no, it will not work for this MB.

The format is what is called 240 (pins), DIMM or UDIMM

You have here some examples of 1.35v memory, just add to the search for example 240 or DIMM


1 last thing.. will voltage have any effect on performance? and can you please recommend me an 8gb 1333/1600 ddr3l ram module?

No, voltage wont affect performance much. DDR4 uses lower voltage than DDR3.


The list I linked previously will show all compatible modules though, but to be double sure, choose RAM from the QVL http://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en/mb/introduction.php?S_ID=832#memorysupport

okay.. thanks :) but lower voltage doesn't mean lower performance right?

Yes, the timmings and the speed of the memory depends of the quality of the memory and the voltage you apply to him.

I purchased this one about a couple? years ago, that now is working with a Z170/6600k and it worked wonderfully (sorry, its a spanish page):
HyperX Fury - Memoria RAM de 16 GB DDR3L (1866 MHz, CL11, DIMM 240 pin, 1.35 V, kit 2 x 8GB)
