What RAM Should I get?


Jun 24, 2012
Hey guys I am looking for quality ram for gaming. I am not quite sure what brand of ram I currently own, but I know it's standard desktop ram I got from microcenter; 2 sticks of 4gb
I really want 16gb total, 2 8gb sticks. What brand should I get? I was looking at:


But I am not quite sure if that'd be best; or even compatible. Here is my system. I am not sure if ram compatibility is thing.

Motherboard: GA-970A-UD3
CPU: AMD FX 8150
GPU: AMD Radeon r9 280x

Not sure if anything else is really necessary.
What would happen if I did get the 1866? Would it just simply not work at full potential? Or would it cause problems? I do plan to upgrade to an amd fx 8320, 8350, or 8370 eventually.
By default it will prob start at the mobos default of 1333, then you set it to what you want, if you try 1866 and it doesn't run then you'll need to drop it to 1600 and try, leaving the settings at 1866 will mean it won't run, it will tell you that OC failed, which means you have to change it to lower

Okay, so would you recommend that I get that one, or do you have a link to something better.
Are you OCing the 8150 at all? If not, could try that first. The 8320 would be the most cost effective CPU upgrade as it OCs well, the 8350 or 8370 will be a nice improvement over the 8150 also, but as mentioned cost a bit more. Upgrading to 16GB can improve if you are using all you currently have and see lots of hard-disk activity due to the system having to swap things back and forth to the page file