what refresh rate should i make my screen works on ?


Nov 5, 2013
in games u can choose between different refresh rates i read that it affects fps and that it got a relation with vsync that i cant understand could u plz explain ?
your refresh rate is what your monitor or tv puts out. likely if you don't know it's 60hz which means your fps is limited (sorta) to 60. you should turn vsync on if your getting screen anomalies from too high, too low, or fluctuating frames. what card are you running, and what monitor/tv?

7850 2gb,samsung 94nwxplus 19"
When watching the news and you would see an old CRT monitor in the background with the lines through it THAT is a good example of the refresh rate. The film camera picks it up because the it is slower than the monitor. The minimum for the human eye is around 60HZ to prevent eye strain. The higher you go the more GPU power it will require. It's a give and take thing.
When watching the news and you would see an old CRT monitor in the background with the lines moving through it THAT is a good example of the refresh rate. The film camera picks it up because the it is slower than the monitor. The minimum for the human eye is around 60HZ to prevent eye strain. The higher you go the more GPU power it will require. It's a give and take thing.

so it doesn't have relation with the cpu ?,that mean that when i set the refresh rate to 70hz and enable vsync it will limit fps to 70 right ?

GPU is what drives your video. "Refresh rate" and "FPS" are not the same thing. One is the monitor and the is the video being pumped out. I am trying to keep it simple. Why don't you Google the two for a definition...

i read that the refresh rate must be like the frame rate to dont cause those lines that appear while not enabling vsync

couldn't find any decent info on your monitor's refresh rate which again leads me to believe it's 60hz, with a 7850 you should be good for around 50fps on most games (not battlefield, crysis, etc) with that said you would want to set vsync on so that in the case of it going above that 60 mark it won't cause screen tearing. this is mainly an issue with your gpu's power, but the cpu can hurt it if it's under powered for the system.

my cpu is allready bottlenecking my gpu that means it's harming it ?

no it's not damaging your system but it hurts overall performance, what cpu? and what motherboard?

core2duo and g41mt-es2l


yeah that stuff is getting pretty old! you should look into grabbing a z77 motherboard since they are getting cheaper and a sandy or ivey bridge cpu if your wanting better gaming, more features on those boards as well.

yep am allready getting the fx-6300 and will oc it to 4.1ghz or something,should arive after 3 days or something and gonna get after 15 days the m5a97 le r2.0 or the m5a97 r20 or the m5a97 or 970 Pro3 R2.0 or GA-970A-D3 (rev. 3.0) or
990XA-GD55 still choosing