What reglue should I use for CPU Delid?


Jun 27, 2014
I might delid my 4770K (I read and done my research on delids already), but I don't know which glue to put on the CPU. If I don't use glue, I'll forget when I take the CPU out and the IHS falls off. I've found that some use silicone sealant, but what specifically should I use?
Why do you make such a fuss about it if it falls off? The heat spreader is nothing but a piece of metal, and the thermal paste has minor adhesive properties too!

Well... try thermal silicone, the thing that cheapskate people use to repair engine head lid gaskets in cars. its black and a lot more thick than normal silicone.

Just make sure you don't mix the two, who knows what kind of crazy chemical reaction you could get by mixing glue and thermal paste... might dissolve your CPU...:lol:
Why do you make such a fuss about it if it falls off? The heat spreader is nothing but a piece of metal, and the thermal paste has minor adhesive properties too!

Well... try thermal silicone, the thing that cheapskate people use to repair engine head lid gaskets in cars. its black and a lot more thick than normal silicone.

Just make sure you don't mix the two, who knows what kind of crazy chemical reaction you could get by mixing glue and thermal paste... might dissolve your CPU...:lol:

A big fuss is that I would have to reapply CLU and it's not fun to clean up.
I'll use Permatex Silicone Gasket Maker, thanks for your help.
Do this at your own risk, in my case, if I remove the heatspreader for one of my "customers", when I'm done, I put my hand on the table and hit it with my fist... the pain helps me remember!