What should be the FPS in BATTLEFIELD 4 in a GEFORCE GTX 650 1GB GPU

sunit swapnasarit

Jun 19, 2014
HI.... friends..... I am using a ASUS GEFORCE GTX 650 1GB GPU.... My processer is PENTIUM 4 DUAL CORE E5500 2.98GHZ.....
4GB DDR3 RAM 1600MHZ....
I want to play BATTLEFIELD 4 in a resolution 1366 × 720..... so what should be the minimum FPS AND AVERAGE FPS I can get....

I couldnt find any 720p benchmarks but i found one for 900p ultra. you should be getting around 30 fps. You should also lower aa and turn of HBAO to get maybe around 40 fps. Like I said I couldn't find any exact benchmarks.

I couldnt find any 720p benchmarks but i found one for 900p ultra. you should be getting around 30 fps. You should also lower aa and turn of HBAO to get maybe around 40 fps. Like I said I couldn't find any exact benchmarks.