What should I build my pc on?


Aug 20, 2014
I have all my parts ready to go and I know that I should touch some metal before getting grabby with anything of my parts, but is there any environment that I should be looking for when I build? Like is there any piece of clothing I should avoid, do I refrain from building on a metal surface? These are just little things that I feel I haven't seen answered enough or too little information has been provided to really give me an idea on what I should stray away from before I lay all my parts out.

Here's my parts that I'm going to be putting together(probably should have gotten a lower wattage but oh well).http://pcpartpicker.com/p/9zhDMp
Best Surface:



I use it cause I do a lotta builds and the info thereon is worth it .... it's also a nice cushioned surface so case corners and such won't have my wife (Your mom) going into conniptions.

After that it's whatever you can scrape together .... recommended not wearing rubber soled shoes in carpeted are for example .... a dinning room table with pad and cloth (light colored) ... cupla coffee cups for screws. Loose baggy clothing best avoided (loose dropped parts), short sleeves recommended ...


Jan 16, 2013
To be honest you are way over thinking it haha. I can understand though, I was the same way when I built my first machine. You really don't need to worry about being SUPER cautious. Just set up at the kitchen table, or some where where you have a good building space. Ground yourself out before you get started, and as long as your not rubbing balloons on your head or scuffing your feet furiously across carpet you will be fine.


Aug 20, 2014

I felt like I was being too cautious but reassurance never hurts and may I ask how old were you when you made your first build? Being fifteen I'm constantly told I'm too young to be putting together a pc(I'm starting to see why I'm being too cautious).
So hearing you had similar worries makes me feel like I'm acting normal for what I'm doing.
Best Surface:



I use it cause I do a lotta builds and the info thereon is worth it .... it's also a nice cushioned surface so case corners and such won't have my wife (Your mom) going into conniptions.

After that it's whatever you can scrape together .... recommended not wearing rubber soled shoes in carpeted are for example .... a dinning room table with pad and cloth (light colored) ... cupla coffee cups for screws. Loose baggy clothing best avoided (loose dropped parts), short sleeves recommended ... plastic shaft screwdrivers.

Put PSU in case, plug it in but leave off ... I connect one anti static cable to the case and the other to my wrist simply because they came with the mat, but when I am up and down a lot such as running to shop to cut acrylic tubing for water cooling builds .... I don't bother with straps.... just touch the grounded case every now and then to discharge any static buildup.

My son's did their 1st build at about 12 (me looking over their shoulder)


Aug 20, 2014

This might be my only build for a while, but thanks for the link to the mat, if I need to end up helping a friend on making their build, it'll come in handy. Thanks for the advice and I thank both of the commenters for providing some final help before I start putting down the pieces.


Jan 16, 2013
I was 23 when I decided to build my first machine. But I had tinkered with the inner workings of computers since I was around the age of 13. I was rather familiar with all of the components and what plugged into where. I just watched a lot of how-to videos until I felt 100% comfortable. I am 25 now, so I have only been doing it for 2 years or a little over, but during that time frame I have built 6 machines. All of the builds went flawlessly with no problems at all.

Just take your time, plan out the steps, if you get into a pickle or have a question come ask someone here or refer to a how-to video.

This exact video, is what I watched multiple times to get comfortable with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCohS0guaDE He is very explanatory and thorough, and he makes sure to get a good camera angle of what he is doing so you can see everything.

Don't let people throw off your confidence in yourself because of your age, you can do this. After I built my first one and realized how easy it actually is, I felt pretty stupid that I didn't start building my own when I was a teenager.


Aug 20, 2014

I just finished building my PC, and I honestly feel pretty dumb for feeling so antsy about it. I haven't installed the OS yet, but after a bit of trying to make the cables look a bit neater, it worked without any hiccups. I had to scrap on using my silverstone CPU cooler, though .I wish I had seen that video sooner, it's one of the best I've seen from the otherwise hard to understand or see videos I came across.