What should I buy to increase my FPS?


Nov 28, 2017
I don't know much about Computers and I would like to increase fps in games, because I am having issues running the later games. I have £300 to spend.

At the moment, my specs are:

Processor: Intel Core i5-2400
CPU: 3.10 GHz
GPU: GeForce GT 710
Edit: PSU: 350 Watts (I can get a 500Watts psu if needed)

Any reccomendations would be greatly appriciated.

What's your budget, what resolution do you want to play at, and what games do you want to play?

My Budget is £300, and my monitor is 1600x900 (but I don't mind playing at 1366x768 as that used to be my laptop screen size), and the games I want to play are:
Battlefield 1, and 4.
GTA V, and possibly IV.
And some games I will be planning to buy are PUBG, Steep and possibly Ark Survival Evolved.

I am having the main problems with Battlefield 1, Overwatch, and i've tested PUBG and Steep, and they aren't running well either, at low 20 fps.

Yeah, PUGB is pretty demanding and benefits from a quad core with hyperthreading as seen here. But for your budget and resolution I would worry less about that game and more about the rest of the games where GPU will be far more important as you can see here for ARK, the other demanding game you have listed, here. A 3GB GTX 1060 should get you good bang for buck performance wise for less than 180 pounds at amazon https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/n9RFf7/pny-geforce-gtx-1060-3gb-3gb-video-card-vcggtx10603pb. I have a GTX 1060 3GB I put in my nephew's build and it performed quite well with an i3 6100 in games like GTA V at medium to high settings @1080p
[/url][/img] and The Division at ultra/1080p settings

I would recommend getting a better PSU with more wattage though; you might brush mighty close to that 350W; something like the Corsair CSM 650W PSU would give you some breathing room and let you put a more powerful GPU in down the line if you wanted, for less than 70 pounds.

Thank you! I appriciate your help. I can afford a GTX 1060 with 6gb, and then I will save up the rest of the money for the PSU. The 650 W one is a little over my budget, but only by £20, which I can earn quickly.

Again, thank you :)

You could get by with a cheaper PSU; but depending on your drives, fans, etc. you could end up pushing well in excess of 370W with a GTX 1060 plus your hardware. I would recommend getting a PSU first, because it is no fun when your computer shuts off when you start a game due to the load being too much for the PSU to handle. You can use this tool to estimate your specific wattage here: https://outervision.com/power-supply-calculator . Also make sure that the PSU you get is compatible with the computer case you have; this is a good tool to use for looking for parts prices and case compatibility: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/mBQ3qk. Based on your parts, you should be ok with a decent 500W PSU I would say, something like this https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/hgGkcf/corsair-power-supply-cx500 for 55 pounds. Here is the review from johnnyguru on that particular PSU http://www.jonnyguru.com/modules.php?name=NDReviews&op=Story4&reid=214

PCIe 3.0 vs 2.0 for a x16 GPU link makes next to no difference in the vast majority of games will all except the most powerful graphics cards. An SSD would likely have little to no effect on FPS, and an adaptive sync monitor is a luxury that the OP can't afford given his current rig and budget for upgrades.

As said above, the best use of the OP's budget is to get a better graphics card (and PSU as required).