I have been surfing this forum for about a week now and I made one previous post about building a gaming PC. I was given a good build, but recently I came upon a build that I liked a lot. I am sorry to the person that created this and I wish I could give you credit, but I only bookmarked the pcpartpicker page ;( Anyways the OP wanted a quiet gaming PC. I am not so concerned about the quiet aspect, but I would like to know if this build is good for playing games on. Now I am not picky about like "OMG I need to run BF15 on Ultra Super High quality!", no I just want a PC that can run games a good speed on a decent setting. It would be a plus if I could stream with the PC too. Also I would be buying Windows 7 not 8 like it is in the build. I would like to keep it around the same price range. Anyways so if you guys see anything wrong that I should change I would really like to hear your opinion. So here is the build (sorry I wish I could give credit to whom ever made this, but if there is a way to tell please let me know)
Sorry about this link I am so bad with posting this stuff...I hope it still works
Never mind, I think I fixed it.
Sorry about this link I am so bad with posting this stuff...I hope it still works
Never mind, I think I fixed it.