[SOLVED] What should I get?

Dont get overkill with psu. I ever watch guy running i7-8700k and 1080 Ti with 450w cooler master psu. It works fine
Please refrain from those comments. We are a community that know better than suggesting pairing a Cooler Master 450w PSU with a 1080 Ti and a i7-8700k. Cooler Master is one of the worst you can get and a 1080 Ti with a 8700k will not work with a 450W unless it's platinum quality and even then, you would push it.

PSU is the heart of the system. You should never go cheap on it, unless you want to risk each and every component of your system when it fails and takes something with it.
I have about 200 dollars in amazon gift cards. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/RobotManBCS/saved/knZn7P is my current rig and I am looking for upgrading. I do gaming such as CS:GO, Rainbow 6, and Destiny 2. I was wondering what component would boost my system the most.
Single channel memory greatly reduces performance. Buy another 16gb of the same model, but because they weren't bought as a kit, there's no guarantee that they will work together (even if they're the same brand and model). You can also sell that 16gb and buy a 2x8gb kit. A new GPU would also improve your performance, but I think dual channel ram will be a better upgrade.
I have about 200 dollars in amazon gift cards. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/RobotManBCS/saved/knZn7P is my current rig and I am looking for upgrading. I do gaming such as CS:GO, Rainbow 6, and Destiny 2. I was wondering what component would boost my system the most.
You should buy 2x8 kit ram, change gtx 1060 to 1660 or 1660 super, and get 450w/500w psu. Dont get overkill with psu. I ever watch guy running i7-8700k and 1080 Ti with 450w cooler master psu. It works fine
Dont get overkill with psu. I ever watch guy running i7-8700k and 1080 Ti with 450w cooler master psu. It works fine
Please refrain from those comments. We are a community that know better than suggesting pairing a Cooler Master 450w PSU with a 1080 Ti and a i7-8700k. Cooler Master is one of the worst you can get and a 1080 Ti with a 8700k will not work with a 450W unless it's platinum quality and even then, you would push it.

PSU is the heart of the system. You should never go cheap on it, unless you want to risk each and every component of your system when it fails and takes something with it.