What should I put the V-core to if I want to oc my 4770k to 4.5?


What should I start with?

Start with stock voltage and then bump the multiplier up until it is no longer stable. Then voltage followed by multiplier until you get where you want it.


Set multiplier to desired frequency put 1.2Vcore in and see what that gets you and adjust.

remember stay under 1.4Vcore and 80C prime95 for 24/7 OC

How do I know if it's stable?

If it isn't too much to ask, can you give me a fast tutorial on how to Overclock the 4770k?

MoBo: Asus Maximus VI hero
Fan: NH-d14

Stable: different people have different ways to do this. For me while I am OCing if windows boots and starts some programs its good enough to keep going. Once I have found an OC I like to run Prime95, intel burn test etc. for a couple of hours. If it crashes. freezes, or otherwise does weird stuff you go back and tweak some more.

But typing a guide out isn't really my thing I will probably forget something but I can link some good guides for you to read over they pretty well walk you through the process.


Alright, thanks a lot for your help.