What should I upgade to..?


Oct 30, 2013
Alright so im getting around $240 - $270 for my birthday soon and I want to upgrade my video card ( I have a 610...). The problem is, I have a 430w powersupply so I will need to upgrade it to get some of the better cards ( like the r9 270x ). I would get a 500w and the 270x but then I would go over my price range.. What do you guys think I should buy? Or should I try and save up for the 270x. Thanks!!

Current Build.
Take a look at the GTX 760, it has a pretty low power draw and you should be fine with that CX430 power supply. Nvidia recommends minimum of 500W, but that's usually in a worst case scenario.
I would try to stay within your PSU range and get a GPU that is powerful but doesn't go over the recommended wattage. Based on the system spec you gave in your post. You can add up to an NVidia gtx770 to your build or an AMD 280x (little close on this one) and still only pull 400w at full load. Based on your budget both of those cards are not an option but any card below those will work just fine and draw less power.

Here is the power supply calculator I used to determine what cards would work.

Ok it comes with 1 8 pin connector what about the 6pin i have to plug in? Do I use 2 different coords? thanks!