what should i upgrade ?CPU or GPU ?


Aug 14, 2016
i'm having a A8 7600, gtx 750 Ti
i can play Evolve stage 2 at max setting at 60-70 fps but i dip to 15 -20 fps for 1 or 2 second every time things getting messy in the game.
it's cause of my cpu or my gpu ?
If this is an online game, then I suspect you're having some kind of issue with your internet connection. Latency caused by other programs in the background or devices on the network can affect the FPS in some games.
That sounds like an in-game issue but if you are gonna upgrade something I'd say go GPU because your CPU is decent, and is better than my Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4ghz, which can play GTA V and Dying Light with a 750 Ti.

it didn't change anything
just higher frame bu still alot of dipping down to 8fps and 12fps